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Limit Staffing & Production Challenges with Task-Based Micro-Learning
With COVID-19, business & industry leaders have had to face what seems to be a never-ending list of pandemic-related challenges during...

Let's Rethink the Way We View & Manage Change
John C. Maxwell once said, “Change is inevitable... growth is optional.” With COVID-19, everyone, especially business owners...

Three Critical Considerations Before You Call that Employee to Your Office
With our day-to-day work environments so demanding and when things don't go as they should, our first reaction is to look for who to hold...

Annual Performance Reviews: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
In all the many years that I have had the pleasure of working with organizations and their employee teams, I cannot recall a single...

Four Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Employees (and they don't cost a dime)
In a world of media that likes to feature cool workplaces with people playing ping-pong, sliding down slides, dining at in-house . . .

Five Things That Your Customers Really Don't Want to Hear
Oh, the stories that I could tell, that we all could tell, about unique and unusual customer experiences. I have often thought about . . .

Never Underestimate the Amazing Power of Your Pen
If you look in the desk of just about anyone these days, it is always interesting what you will find; various ink pens (from every . . .

Four Ways to Celebrate Your Business With Your Customers & Team Any Time of Year
Every business has an amazing story to tell, however it rarely gets shared with the constant coming and going of new customers and . . .
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